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UTLA Members to Elect Officers and Members of the Board of Directors in 2023


Self-nomination period begins on August 15, 2022. In early 2023 UTLA members will be electing the UTLA citywide officers and members of the UTLA Board of Directors, which includes directors who serve a UTLA Area and directors who represent a special category of members. The complete list of offices is below. Together, the officers and […]

Special election elected Jasmine Wang for North Area NEA Director

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Jasmine Wang has been elected as the new North Area NEA Director. The election took place at the Wednesday, October 20, 2021 North Area Meeting. The election will be certified at the next Board of Directors meeting on November 3rd, and she will officially take office. Membership verified that only North Area active members voted. […]

North Area election is Wednesday, October 20th

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North Area will hold the election to fill their vacant Director position at the Wednesday, October 20th Area Meeting that will begin at 4:30 pm. The two candidates are Jasmine Wang and Jennifer Grunfeld. Members who work in a North Area school or work site are qualified to vote if they attend the North Area […]

North Area Board of Directors (BOD) Vacancy

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The vacancy for one of the NEA North Area Director positions was announced at the September 9th Area Meeting. The Election will be held on October 20th at the North Area Meeting that begins at 4:30. Please note that Area meetings are being held via ZOOM until further notice. The person who wins the election […]

Special election elected Brenda Brown for Early Childhood Center (EEC) Director


Brenda Brown was elected as the Early Childhood Center (EEC) Director on January 11, 2021. Brenda has been teaching Preschool for over 26 years and has been at her current school, Park Western Early Education Center, for over 17 years. She has served in a leadership role as a head teacher for 15 years. She […]

2020 special election candidates are now posted

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There is an election in process to fill a vacancy for the Early Education Center (EEC) Director position on the UTLA Board of Directors. Declarations/Self-nominations are now closed. The three 2020 special election candidates in ballot order are: Shirley Durst Ruben Tovar Brenda Brown Qualifications: Candidates for the EEC Director position must be working at […]

Upcoming Election for the UTLA Early Education Center Director

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There is a vacancy for the Early Education Center (EEC) Director position on the UTLA Board of Directors. Qualifications: Candidates for the EEC Director position must be working at an Early Education Center under a Child Development Permit and must have been an active UTLA member in good standing for the past two years. Interested […]

2020 election made history


The 2020 UTLA election made history, as described here in the Los Angeles Times: The L.A. teachers union has elected the first woman of color, Cecily Myart-Cruz, to lead the organization, part of a familiar and experienced team that will include outgoing union President Alex Caputo-Pearl, who was elected as a vice president. “I’m proud […]

2020 results are up

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The election results, pending challenges, are up. The results must be certified by the UTLA Board to be official. Once all election cycles are complete, the new officers and Board of Directors members take office July 1, 2020, and will serve until June 30, 2023.

2020 candidate statements, photos, and links are now posted

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Statements, photos and social media links (if provided by the deadline) for UTLA Officers and UTLA Board of Directors candidates are now available: Citywide Officers Area Board of Directors Special Category Directors Citywide Officers’ videos are also posted and can also be viewed on YouTube.