2020 Special Election Candidates
2020 UTLA Board of Director - Early Education Center (EEC) Director
Shirley Durst
I have worked with the Los Angeles Unified School District for twenty-five years in Early Childhood Education. While working with the district I earned my Masters degree in Early Childhood Education. I have worked as a Head Teacher alongside the Principle to lead instruction that impacts the decisions of the Center. I Participated in the 2019 strike and every action up to strike day, I assisted the principal in the beautification project for the center. I have been appointed Master Teacher for LATTC. The Pandemic is threatening to push EEC aside. I will continue to fight for your jobs, as your Director I will stand UP for your rights.. Shirley Durst-Lee
Ruben TovarBrenda Brown
My name is Brenda Brown and I am running for the position of Early Education Center (EEC) Director. I have been teaching Preschool for over 26 years. I have been teaching at my current school, Park Western Early Education Center for over 17 years. Additionally, I also serve as Head Teacher and have 15 years of experience in this leadership role. I’m running for EEC Director to make a great impact on how Early Educators are viewed and respected. I want to be the voice, eyes, and ears at the table to provide a strong direction for our Early Education Centers. I will fight for new innovative measures for our teachers to move up the salary tables and provide better opportunities to prepare for retirement. I strongly believe EEC Teachers who are working hard to provide for their families and futures face significant barriers due to lack of access to obtaining Elementary Credentials. I will change the narrative; placing more value on longevity and degrees to replace salary tables stipulations for EEC Teachers. The language needs to change to make us inclusive with our fellow teachers. Instead of K-12 ,Pre-K -12! I will work to protect working conditions, and provide resources to allow Teachers to be more effective in serving our children and families.If I have the opportunity to be elected I will always defend and fight for our rights in health benefits, job security, and retirement. Working as Chapter Chair and Head Teacher I have experience in leadership and have marched with my brothers and sisters during multiple demonstrations. Our EEC needs a Leader who will work hard for all. I’m endorsed by Union Power Cacus and supported by Chapter Chairs from our EECs. Let’s build and work together for respect, inclusion, and the pay we deserve.