Candidate Statement/Links Form and Instructions

Candidate Statement/Links Instructions

View Form


October 18, 2022: Statement and social media links may be submitted beginning today. Submissions will be posted in the order received.

January 6, 2023: 5:00pm deadline for electronic submission of a statement and social media links.


  • Submit your statement electronically using the form via this page (available October 8, 2022).Those who submit their statement before the deadline will be posted as soon as they are received.
  • You can either type directly into the web form or cut and paste the text from another file.
  • The web form will have a fixed maximum number of characters and will indicate the number of characters remaining. 2,000 characters max for citywide officer candidates and 1,000 characters max for Board of Directors candidates. Spaces and line breaks count toward the limit. Note: those numbers are character counts — not word counts.
  • Statements will be printed in the same type font and size. The web form will not accept bold, italic, or underlined type. No images, unicode, emojis, graphics, or dingbats allowed. Bullet points and dashes are acceptable — see box below for how to format text for these special characters.
    • If you want to use a • (bullet point), use an * (asterisk)
    • If you want to use a — (long dash), use – – (two hyphens without
      a space)
  • Please proof your statement before submission. You cannot make changes once submitted, and the Election Committee is not allowed to correct errors in spelling or grammar.


  • Candidates may input social media links for Facebook, Twitter, and a campaign website.
  • Candidates’ links shall not host language or references that are racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise offensive or contrary to UTLA guiding principles, as determined by the Elections Committee.
  • Those who submit their links before the deadline will be posted as soon as they are received.

Please contact us if you have any questions.